RGV Firefighter's and Fire Marshals' Association
RGV Firefighter's and Fire Marshals' Association

Fire Prevention:  Smoke Alarms Make Them WORK For You!

Re: Poster Contest (Begins) February 5, 2025 and (Ends) March 6, 2025
The Rio Grande Valley Firefighter’s and Fire Marshal’s Association is proud to sponsor the Annual Fire Prevention Poster Contest. Students from Pre-K through High School and Special Education students are encouraged to participate. First, second and third place winners from each level will receive trophies. All students who participate n the poster contest will receive a participation ribbon. The posters must be in the subject of prevention or fire safety and represent what it means to the student. The district level contest will follow the State Firemen and Fire Marshal’s Association Fire Prevention Poster Contest rules which can be found on the State Firemen and Fire Marshal’s Association website (www.sffma.org). Posters must comply with attached rules in order to be judged in any level of the contest. One of the most important rules is that the poster must be 14”x 22” which is about half of a regular poster board sheet. Another important rule is that it requires that the student and schools information (i.e. students name, age, grade level, school’s name, &
address) be provided inside a sealed envelope and attached to the back of the poster. * IMPORTANT: If any nformation is missing, the poster is subject to disqualification. The posters will be judged according to the grade levels in the RGVFFMA poster contest. The first, second and third place winners will advance to the State Firemen and Fire Marshal’s Association Poster Contest. Posters will be sent to state competition against other participants from cities across Texas. We hope that you find this project as exciting as we do. We feel that this will greatly enhance the student’s interest and knowledge about fire safety in their life. The last day for posters to be turned into the RGVFFMA is March 6, 2025 “NO EXCEPTIONS”. The drop off sites for the lower valley will be at the Harlingen Fire Department at 24200 FM 509, Harlingen, Tx and for the upper valley at the Edinburg Fire Department located at 212 W. McIntyre, Edinburg, Tx. If you have, any questions please contact Assistant Ruben Balboa or District Secretary Mari Tovar.


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